Why Should You Remove Asbestos Siding Instead of Covering it?

Posted on: 14 December 2018

Asbestos siding (sometimes referred to as asbestos cladding) is made from a mixture of asbestos fibres and cement. It's found in many older homes built before the dangers of asbestos were fully understood, so many homeowners now feel the need to address the issue.

It's common to simply have the asbestos siding covered by vinyl, but you should really consider having it removed and replaced instead. Yes, it's a little more expensive, but it's also the best option in the long run.

Here are just a few reasons why you should include asbestos removal services in your plan.

Dangerous When Damaged

Asbestos isn't dangerous unless it is considered friable – this simply means that it crumbles easily. Asbestos sidings are relatively safe since they are not often disturbed, but that doesn't mean they won't be disturbed. Everything from bumps with outdoor equipment to natural erosion can see asbestos fibres escape. Those fibres can then land on your body and clothing and be breathed in – it's when this happens that health issues arise. It isn't necessarily going to happen, but why not remove the risk entirely?

Provides Refurbishment Options

The dangers posed by asbestos siding might be minimal if it isn't disturbed, but that changes when you need to carry out any renovation work. Fibres will definitely be disturbed by sawing, sanding, and other work, so any renovations or refurbishments will need to be carried out by a professional wearing proper protection, which is normally too great a hassle. By replacing your siding, you'll have the option to keep it looking its best and performing perfectly in the future.

Improves Your Home's Appearance

Even if you could renovate asbestos siding, you probably wouldn't be able to make it look so great. The truth is that many people find the appearance of asbestos siding unattractive – it was more popular for its practical rather than aesthetic benefits. Removing your asbestos siding and replacing it with something else should improve the overall appearance of your property. That's especially important if you're thinking of selling the property.

It's a Relatively Easy Job

Finally, keep in mind that removing asbestos siding is quite straightforward. When people talk about removing asbestos, you might start picturing the need for costly equipment and damage to the interior, but that's not needed since all the siding sits outside the home's structure. There's no need to make holes in the walls or employ purifiers to get rid of any asbestos fibres that might remain in your home.


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